Thursday, July 14, 2011


While talking about the pursue of justice, I believe you must have heard of the story described in the Old Testament about that Tree of Wisdom in Eden.

But, you may not know there were actually four trees in the Garden.

In fact, Adam was shown all of them by the Lord:

"Boy, this is the Tree of Fortitude - or courage if you like," God said.

"What would happen if I eat the apple from it?" Adam asked.

"Oh, you show your courage, and you would die immediately," God smiled, and he pointed to another one, "this is the Tree of Temperance - or moderation as they usually say."

"Lovely, but I see no apple on it." Adam said.

"Quite true. Moderation is a funny virtue - as soon as you want to show it, you lose it." God said, "Now, this third one is the Tree of Justice."

"What would happen if I eat the apple from it?"

"I don't think you could ever have that chance because it is very poisonous," God giggled, "As soon as you hold it's fruit in your hands, you would become mad ..."

"Alas, what about this fourth one?" Adam sighed.

"Great. This is the Tree of Prudence, or wisdom if you like. I tell you, if you eat the apple on it, you could open your eyes - but you would have to leave this Garden immediately."

And the rest is history.

PS. You may ask: Wasn't Adam introduced to those trees by Satan? True, but, I'm sure that's part of the plan of the God.

If not, who would be able to sneak into the Garden?

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