Saturday, July 9, 2011


On a recent occasion, our noble representative in the Legislative Council was asked by the media how he would vote on a certain matter.

"I've not decided yet. In fact I shall set up a web site and ask members of my functional constituency to vote - so that my decision would reflect the opinion of the majority of our profession." He said.

I was, once again, so impressed that I lost my nerve.

You may ask: Isn't it important to consult all of us before he votes?

No - for obvious reasons.

Just think. If the matter is simple and straightforward (for example, the topic at hand), what's the point of wasting time and all our effort to reply. We elect someone to represent our opinion and hope he could save our trouble.

In other words, if our representative has to ask all of us to show our opinion each time so that he could vote accordingly, there is little point to support any particular person during the Council election. Why don't we simply find a computer software to sit in the Council and represent our profession?

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