Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I must say I cannot decide. After all, as usual, I have come to the conclusion that it is not necessary for me to have a definitive opinion.

Nonetheless, I was impressed by the head figures of the demonstration. When they were released from the police station in the morning and being asked how they felt about disturbing the innocent people, they said, "This is the price you have to pay in the pursue of justice."

Yes, exactly the same argument as Tao Kit.

The context is, unfortunately, different.

You see? It is entirely legitimate for our Scholar #19 (十九才子) or any of us to say the incident was an inevitable price that we have to pay - we are the ones being affected. In contrast, it is horrifying to see someone come out and say it is the price that you have to pay - for my pursue of justice.

Did I last hear the same declaration at the annual meeting of the Third Reich? Or was it the Gate of Tiananmen?

PS. I said the Gate, not the Square.

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