Thursday, November 24, 2011


(The story in the resuscitation room continued.)

"Gentlemen, let's make it straight. The situation of your brother is critical. If he does not have some new blood in the coming hour or so, the chance is he would not make it." The doctor was grave.

"I don't think he needs any blood," the monkey-face said, half smiling, "I see that you are no short of water. Just give him more fluid to support the blood pressure."

"Let's face it. What he needs is new blood; the old blood won't do much better with more water." The doctor insisted.

"No, I don't think he is short of blood. All he needs is a better distribution of blood flow to each organ, so that some organs would not be deprived of blood while another gets too much." It now became clear that the smiling face was taking charge of the discussion.

"Alas, I agree there may be some organs better perfused than the others, but it does not mean that your brother has enough blood!"

"Well, even if he is hypovolemic, transfusion does not solve the root of the problem. You need to find ways to stop the bleeding." The monkey-face changed the topic.

"No, but transfusion is an important supportive treatment. If we do not give blood quickly, your brother may soon pass the point of no return, and he could not be revived even if we do stop the bleeding."

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