Thursday, November 3, 2011


Shortly after the two jokes, I attended another gangsters' meeting.

The focus of discussion was, of course, the manpower problem.

Let me show you some bits and pieces.


"Is it possible to cut down the admission?"
"But there are so many patients need to be admitted."
"In that case, can we confine the overflow cases to a few wards so that we don't have to see one or two cases in each ward. It is really leg-breaking to conduct a ward round for all overflow cases."
"No, the hospital won't allow such a thing. Otherwise we would soon find ourselves occupying two or three wards entirely - and officially we should not have more medical wards."


You think the argument sounds awkward? Yes and no. From the doctors' point of view, the idea is certainly absurd. But, it is far easier to ask nurses of surgical or orthopedic wards to each take care of one or two medical patients. If one particular ward is filled with medical patients, the nurses would just resign in no time.

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