Monday, November 28, 2011


(The discussion between stock broker and his client continued.)

"I still believe it's your fault. You've not done everything that could prevent my losing money," the doctor insisted.

"No, we've done everything we should do from our side - and we are entirely satisfied with our performance," the stock broker remained calm and content, "True, you did lost money all the same. As you always say, this is a known complication of investment."

"I know what you mean," the doctor replied, "You've followed all practice guidelines and standard procedures. Every move was documented, conversation recorded, and consent signed. Yes, you have satisfied the administrator or whatever regulatory body there is, but, it is quite a different question to satisfy your own conscience - if you have any."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, have you been staying alert to all trivial information and hints that would indicate the risk was going to materialize?" The doctor said.

(To be continued.)

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