Monday, November 21, 2011


My recent bedtime reading was Nineteen Eighty Four.

I bought the book last Christmas as a present for the winner of the grand round quiz. Nonetheless, I did not give it away and, as a general principle, I would not leave a book on my shelf unread. (See

You may be surprised to find I did not go through this classic of George Orwell before, while I have read Animal Farm for at least three times - first as a secondary school student.

But, in retrospect, I find it an excellent arrangement. Big Brother is probably too much to be understood for someone below the age of 40.

Alas, maybe that's why Winston Smith had so much problem.


You may think this horrifying story of Big Brother is outdated after the fall of the iron curtain. But, I find it more real now than ever. Orwell had the wisdom of seeing the world ends up with three super-powers. You may call it USA, EU, and China.

Or, more likely, Google, Apple, and Microsoft.

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