Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Although we have passed the End Time of the Mayan calendar, there are many other Doomsdays ahead of us.

For example, if you believe in the traditional Chinese calendar, this triple-round (三元運) will end in the year of 2043. (It seems a possible year to Hong Kong people.) You know, according to the Chinese astrological system, each round encompasses 180 years. Last triple-round ended in the year 1863, when Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, and the London Underground Railway opened.

No, nothing really exciting.

But, if you consider the grand-round (周份), which consists of nine triple-rounds, it will end in the year 3123 - not really something we have to worry about. This grand-round began in 1504 - when Christopher Columbus discovered America.

Sounds more convincing, eh?

PS. In Chinese astrology, round (元) is the same as Hua-Jia (花甲), which means 60 years. The idea of round comes from the observation that the orbital periods of Jupiter and Saturn are roughly 12 and 30 years, respectively, and the two stars should meet once every 60 years.

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