Friday, December 14, 2012


On a second thought, maybe we should not be too critical of TM about his (lack of) method of time management, or should we be too enthusiastic about GTD and improving our productivity.

The argument is simple: Success does not (only) depend on doing things right, but, more importantly, doing the right thing. As the old English proverb says: What good is running if one is on the wrong road?

You may argue: Working hard and being efficient are important characters to excel. Yes, but they are not sufficient. To go one step forward, these characters would only bear fruit if everyone in the field provides a similar kind of work or service. And, because these characters are easily followed, the likely result is a fierce competition (i.e. everyone needs to work harder and more efficient) but none would have a material benefit.

It is, therefore, more important to cultivate yourself and nurture an edge.

Go read Competitive Strategy of Michael Porter.

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