Sunday, December 2, 2012


It was a quiet Sunday and my maid was on leave. The weather was horrible - cold with some occasional shower. Early in the afternoon, after settling my two princesses to their afternoon nap, I had a rather moment of peacefulness so that I could really do some leisure activity myself.

What I did was trying my new frying pan.

Don't laugh. When Vivian asked me some months ago what birthday present I wished this year, I specifically asked for a frying pan - a flat bottom non-stick one suitable for steak, or similar kinds of thing. Although a traditional round-bottom Chinese wok is good enough for most purposes, I find it a bit trying to keep the heat evenly distributed when the object at hand is turnip cake or omelette.

And I need that layer of Teflon because fish under my hands almost always stick with a Chinese wok.

PS. At the end of the day, I tried a piece of New Zealand sirloin and am happy with the product. Seriously the joy is no different from what I felt after I did my first polymerase chain reaction experiment all by myself.

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