Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Actually I could not think of the story of Lĭ Guăng very long. In a gloomy Friday afternoon, I took a half-day leave and brought Adler, my younger daughter, to attend the interview of a local kindergarten.

We arrived slightly early, but the place was already flooded with anxious parents and suspicious-looking kids. Thank goodness, unlike the slightly chaotic arrangement in the previous years (I did bring Euterpe here for the same purpose some time ago. See, we were allowed to go into the playground and line up. A few minutes later, we were led to a small classroom for the interview.

Contrary to the previous arrangement, it was a group interview. There were 8 kids sitting in a row and facing the teacher - a blondie. Behind the kids were their parents (some 12 or 14 of us). The content of the interview was very expected: The kids were asked to raise their hands when their names were called. Then they sang a song together, followed by listening to a story, and so forth and so forth. During that 15 minutes, the teacher just focused on delivering this sample kindergarten lesson.

Two other women stood at the back of the room; they observed the kids' performance and gave the score.

I suspect we may use the same system to conduct bedside tutorial - maybe the final examination as well.

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