Thursday, July 11, 2013


It was a public holiday shortly after I finished with What Money Can't Buy. I took the opportunity and cleared up my bookshelf. In short, I donated some books for a charity sale so that there is room for some new ones.

Here is the list that I gave away:
  • How to Teach Your Baby to Read by Glenn Doman
  • How to Multiply Your Baby's Intelligence by Glenn Doman
  • Food Politics by Marion Nestle
  • The New Food Lover's Tiptionary by Sharon Herbst
  • False Economy by Alan Beattie
  • 張淑儀《龍媽蜜語》
  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
  • 100 Words that Made the English by Tony Thorne
  • One Up On Wall Street by Peter Lynch
  • Die Kunst über Geld nachzudenken 《一個投機者的告白》 by Andre Kostolany
  • Castles, Battles & Bombs by Jurgen Brauer and Hubert van Tuyll
  • Whoops! Why Everyone Owes Everyone and No One Can Pay 《大債時代》 by John Lanchester
  • On Strategy from the Harvard Business Review
  • Competitive Strategy by Michael Porter

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