Monday, July 29, 2013


Unfortunately, I did not have much time to discuss the arithmetic problem with my friend. Shortly after our conversation, I attended a meeting in the postgraduate school.

And, to my surprise, the major topic for discussion was a déjà vu for me: Should we give a grade to our PhD graduates?

For those who are not familiar with our system, let me explain a bit: In addition to a few compulsory courses (mostly on research methodology), most of the time and effort of our postgraduate students are spent on research projects. By the end of the study period (from two to seven years, depending on the program), a thesis would be submitted and a oral defence (that is, a viva voce examination) would be conducted. In addition to conferring a degree (for example, PhD), a grade from A to C is given (D means failure).

The reality is, most universities around the world have abandoned the system of grading postgraduate students. Ours and our friend across the harbour are the two notable exceptions.

And that's the question under discussion: Shall we do away with the grade and do with pass-or-fail only?

To begin with, I asked myself: Is it another brainless move towards fairness?

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