Saturday, July 27, 2013


I thought for a while and then said slowly, "Em... There are good reasons to classify our students according to their ability and teach accordingly, but I'm still uneasy."


"Because life and ability are more complicated than a single dimension measurement, and the situation is particular obvious in a medical school. What I mean is, I'm not sure how we could distinguish good from bad, or promising versus average students. In short, there is a multitude of our ability. One could be a shining star in the Hospital Authority headquarters or the Bureau but is absolutely hopeless when considered as a front line doctor. Some other may become an excellent laboratory scientist but is nowhere close to a competent clinical trialist. If we classify all students by one test and pick up the budding administrator or basic scientist, we may well miss those good physicians and clinical researchers."

"Alas, in that case, what do you suggest?"

"I don't know. I suppose as a medical school, one of the major objective is to help each and every graduate to realize what they are good at and what they should pursue. It is not, or not only, to say the least, what speciality to make a comfort living or big money, but about how to realize one's capability to the maximum!"

"Alas, my friend, you are too idealistic!" L sighed.

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