Friday, July 5, 2013


During a causal conversation, Vivian asked me in a light-hearted manner, "Szeto, can you recite Chu Shi Biao (出師表) of Zhuge Liang (諸葛亮)?"

"Why! Of course I do. Well, a few wordings may not be entirely correct, but, nonetheless, here you go: 先帝創業未半而中道崩殂,今天下三分,益州疲弊,此誠危急存亡之秋也..."

I went on, all the way till 「受命以來,夙夜憂歎,恐托付之不效,以傷先帝之明...」My wife was obviously disappointed and waved her hands, "Enough, enough. How could you recite all these?"

"Oh, the Chu Shi Biao is an easy bit. After all, it is part of the compulsory syllabus in our secondary school days."

"Quite true. Too bad the government abandon all obligatory assays from the curriculum of Chinese study. What better way than reciting famous classical pieces  could we possibly think of to learn our language?"

"Absolutely. By the way, if I may choose one piece that I wish to be able to recite, I would certainly pick 「駱賓王:為徐敬業討武曌檄」. It is real fun to learn insulting people with style and elegance!"

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