Sunday, July 14, 2013


I would say if I were the father of that student, here is the letter I would send to the professor at the same time:


I am the father.

These days universities around the world all encourage their students to make the best use of their summer time: summer school, summer job, overseas travelling, voluntary work, charity work, internship program and so forth. I am sure your university is no exception.

However, it is important to realize that all these activities require planning and commitment several months before summer. In this particular instance, I have to say it was too late to inform students a month ago that they may have an exam towards the end of this month. I don't know anything about the operational difficulties facing at your side, to be sure. But I don't see why it cannot inform the students earlier or even mark it in the academic calendar at the beginning of the academic year, however tentative it may be. (Here I am not only referring to this particular supplementary exam.)

In my view, a little more work or planning on your part can go a long way in reducing stress for the students. Medical school is already stressful enough and I don't think it is wise to put unnecessary stress on those kids.

As my child's flight is this evening, I would deeply appreciate it if you could please give her a response by 5 p.m. today.

Thank you. Yours sincerely, et cetera.

Of course this letter is a fancy of mine and I did not receive any letter of that kind. If it bears any resemblance to what really happened, it must be an unfortunate coincidence.

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