Thursday, July 25, 2013


Met L on my way off work. Naturally, our discussion fell to the new global program.

"I read your blog. You're certainly a bit skeptical." My friend began.

"Em... yes," I hesitated to agree, "It seems an undeserved honor to the few who do well in the HKDSE examination. Many of the research and attachment opportunities are now restricted to this small group of elite."

"You have a point," my friend said, "But, let's make it clear. What are you worrying about? Do you think it is not fair to classify our students so that the better ones receive more attention and opportunities?"

"No, certainly not." I sighed, "I must say I feel slightly uneasy with what's going on but I couldn't say why. Well, to begin with, the primary purpose of this gadget is for attracting good secondary school children. In other words, it is more for the benefit of the medical school than for the students. For that reason, there's little point to argue whether the new degree could really produce genuine leaders or good researchers."

"Absolutely. It follows that we do not have to worry whether students recruited into the new program really deserve a better treatment. Actually, it doesn't matter whether they are better treated or not. What we want to do is, after all, attract this group of top secondary school students by giving them a quick and easy sense of pride so that they turn to us rather than the other side of the harbour. Remind you, the pride does not come from the global degree six years later, but from studying in a global program now!"

I was forced to agree.

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