Wednesday, July 24, 2013


It was actually a busy week for Euterpe. Shortly after we returned from the gymnastics contest, she spent most of her time preparing for the graduation ceremony.

Yes, graduation from the kindergarten.

Vivian and I went to the ceremony on a Friday morning, and, honestly, expected a series of prayer and speech of thanks. To my surprise, the event was not boring at all. We received a small program book at the beginning - with each and every graduating student drawing a small picture to represent themselves. There was a casual slide show on what happened in the past three years of kindergarten life. The latter part of the morning was all stage performance by the students.

And I have faint memory on here and there and everywhere. The small girl that Euterpe drew on the program book was actually a piece of homework she submitted earlier this year. Part of the slide show was about a school visit of her class to a police station. The stage performance was a dance about the red banners (揮春) she wrote for a charity project during the Chinese New Year. (I actually showed in this site what she wrote. See

All of a sudden, I came to realize everything my princess did in the past three years was for the preparation of this very day - whether you call it graduation, examination, or judgement; it doesn't matter.

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