Saturday, July 6, 2013


My recent leisure reading is What Money Can't Buy by Michael Sandel.

Yes, by coincidence several of my Facebook acquaintances are recently intrigued by this book, and my friend VW mentioned a related scenario in his blood not too long ago. (See

Nonetheless, I didn't intend to read this book - nor did I buy it myself. Vivian got it as a bargain item some months ago, and I find it unattended and gathering dust in our bookshelf. My gut feeling says that the book would be stunning; although I never read Sandel's books before, I did watch his video lecture on justice from YouTube and am thoroughly impressed.

And my instinct did not let me down. This little paperback accomplishes the impossible mission of explaining an important ethical concept in a layman language, illustrated by a wealth of inspiring and informative real life scenarios. In my opinion, rather than putting up a full course of medical ethics for our students, it seems more fruitful to make Sandel's books and video lectures an obligatory component of their general education.

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