Friday, December 20, 2013


During a recent meeting, TC, our professor of obstetrics, sighed, “You know, sometimes the general knowledge of our students are really alarming. I just recently come to realize that many of them do not know who Nelson Mandela is.”

Our dean replied by a bitter smile, “That’s not the worst. Let me tell you this: A good many of them do not know who Gerald Choa is!”

I nodded – as I could attest that statement beyond any doubt.

For visitors outside my circle, Professor Gerald Choa (蔡永業) was the founding dean of my medical school.

PS. George Santayana said: Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it.

That's not entirely correct. I doubt any of our graduate could have an achievement close to our founding dean without knowing him. In fact, those who have no idea of the past would not appreciate why we are here and where we are heading.

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