Monday, December 16, 2013


The idea of temporary licence flashed through the mind of General Forbes, but, in no time, he began to think of something else, “I see what you are getting at. All you worry is our naval students are green and may cause you trouble – with potential legal consequences!”

Colonel Clapperton blushed, “I could not say no to that statement. You know, as the pier manager, my  aim is complete prevention of all accident.”

The naval school principal shook his head, “Seriously, is that a realistic objective? Let me tell you a story: When the US Forest Service was established in 1905, complete fire suppression was the objective. Before that policy, small fires happened every now and then by lightening or other natural reasons, and trees of easily burnt species are regularly destroyed. After the fire suppression policy, however, highly flammable species became much more abundant in the forests. The result is simple: The strategy enjoyed a short period of minimal fire. In reality, the number of ordinary small fire was reduced, but the few major catastrophic ones remained inevitable. More so, because the composition of forests had changed, these fires were much worse - they became uncontrollable disasters.”

Colonel Clapperton was speechless. He appeared like a boy being caught red-handed while stealing candies.

“The same hold true for your zero accident policy.” General Forbes concluded.

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