Sunday, December 15, 2013


Colonel Clapperton said helplessly, “Sir, if any of the naval student has an accident out there in the storm, we shall be in trouble.”

General Forbes sneered, “That’s hardly an argument. If any of the trained naval officer has an accident, our trouble is all the worse. At the time when a young person decide to join the naval force, he should accept the job has certain risk. And, seriously, we should have the concept that their career in the navy begins when they are a student – not after they graduated.”

The pier manager shook his head, “That depends on what kind of accident. If there is a storm and their skill of sailing is not adequate, they may endanger others’ life.”

“Same for any fully trained naval officer…”

“No, not the same. They are qualified and licenced to do so when they have graduated.”

General Forbes was about to say the Department of Defence should provide temporary licence to all naval students so that they have the legal right to carry out necessary procedures during their training.

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