Friday, December 13, 2013


The face of the alternative scientist lighted up, “You know my method, don’t you? Close down the pier. Bar everyone from sailing. Give me the money. I shall work out how to cut down the damage from the storm.”

Colonel Clapperton was about to say the deal is no different from head you win tails I lose. If there was little damage by the typhoon, it’s because of what the alternative scientists did; if the storm ended up a disaster, they had long given the warning. In fact, they could go on and say the situation would be even worse if it was not for their good work.

But the naval officer kept his mouth shut. Instead, he took out an antique instrument and began to type.

A memo was put up at the entrance of the pier ten minutes later:

In view of a forthcoming storm, all activities in the marine areas of the pier will be suspended with immediate effect. This will include all recreational activities, voluntary services, as well as training sections on sailing practice for all students of the Royal Naval School at Plymouth until further notice. Official military duties of the Royal Naval Force will not be affected.

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