Tuesday, February 25, 2014


One of my hobbies is reading columns written by football critics.

No, you didn't misunderstand. I do not watch football (soccer, I mean), but I like reading comments from the newspaper.

Seriously most of them are silly if not stupid - and that's why they are so entertaining. (For the same reason, I love reading the columns of many finance actors.) Nonetheless, by going through all those ingenuous verbosity, you do not only learn what happened in a football game, but also how well a football club is doing, and what strategy of competition it adopts.

I must say with time, I come to realize what Michael Porter says does not really apply to this circle, and, for any football club, there is really only one way to prosper: recruit and keep good players.

To achieve this goal, there are, in essence, two strategies; symbolically I shall call them Real Madrid and Bacelona.

PS. The most successful football club at this moment is, I must say, Bayern Munich. That's quite beyond the point if our focus of discussion is strategy.

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