Saturday, February 8, 2014


Seeing that Matthew is lost in an evening-dreaming, Simon clears his throat and said, "Em... gentlemen, you know, our problem now is we have no way out - and neither does our main tenant have one."

"That's certainly the case for Peter. Although the FSD report seems to prove his hands are clear, there is always an air of uncertainty. After all, everyone sees that he is not welcome by his tenants. No landlord elsewhere will ever accept him - and I could not imagine he would agree to move out and live alone in some nondescript village hut!" John nods.

"But, how about us?" Matthew asks.

"My friend, let's face it. With all these happenings, it is equally obvious that we are no humble and receptive tenants!" Simon sighs.

Matthew is speechless. He begins to see what problem he is facing.

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