Thursday, February 6, 2014


Matthew pulls himself together after a prolonged day-dreaming (or evening-dreaming literally). He decides to kill the time in the pub nearby.

To his surprise, John and Simon are already there.

“Hey! What’s up, guys?” Matthew pretends to be casual.

“Man, the game is up,” Simon says, “The Fire Services Department is about to release the result of their investigation.”

“And the conclusion is…?”

“They do not think that Peter has not been working as an illegal engineer.”

“Alas, that’s the inevitable conclusion by bureaucrats,” Matthew sighed, “You could always find an explanation for every incident. But, when a series of incidents happen together, even if each of them has a specific reason, you would have to believe there must be an underlying factor in common – this is why we need statistics. When it comes to disturbing behaviour of a person, should we believe in people who actually live with him, or extraterrestrials who come and visit the site once every blue moon?”

“I’m afraid the report is just part of our trouble – and not the major one.” John added.


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