Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Just learned from the urgent evening news that the first case of swine flu in our city was confirmed.

And this ground-breaking information was announced by no one but our CE. (I must say it is quite a bit of fun to hear him reading out the case history; I have a deja vu feeling of conducting a junior clerkship tutorial.)

But, why does it need the head of our government to do the deed ?

It sounds like asking Mr. Hu to tell us the biochemistry of melamine, or President Obama to do the press release and explain the financial details of the Chrysler, which filed for Chapter 11 just lately.

More than ever I find Chen Ping (陳平) of the Han (漢) empire a real genius.

(出: 史記•陳丞相世家)

PS. Of course Mr. Tsang might not want to do this kind of thing either - there is so much pressure by our council members and the general public that he should come out and do something.

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