Sunday, May 17, 2009


On a second thought, I should not be too critical on some medical practitioners who treat their patients by mysterious (Fend Shui equivalent) regimens.

Because many more would try to impress the medical circle as well as the general public by the same thing - albeit with slightly more attractive dressings such as science or statistics.

(Don't get me wrong. Science and statistics have no problem on their own - it just depends on how you use it. Fire is the greatest discovery in the history of human beings, but you won't set fire everywhere, will you ?)

For example, when a new virus appears, we create some data and show that the mortality is high; when the heat is over, we go on and show that the virus is very common. Jove, these two very features - in general - won't happen together. (For the reasons, see the blog of my friend VW, in

Why do we make a fuss ? Come on. What do you think all those Feng Shui masters are after ? Money, when dressed with science and statistics, is known as resource or funding.

Alas. Don't be paranoid, I could be talking about HIV rather than swine flu.

Maybe science and statistics are lamp posts and meant for illumination, but most of us are insane alcoholics and merely use them to support our own weakness.

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