Saturday, May 23, 2009


It is the custom that a handful of the best students are invited to attend a distinction viva after the clinical examination - the only difference this year is we do not have the other side of the spectrum being requested for an oral examination.

We had the program this afternoon. Not unexpectedly, we found a few well dressed but somewhat anxious youngsters sitting outside the department library during that time. (Many of our colleagues did recognize the faces - that's a good sign.)

When we passed through the corridor late in the afternoon, however, we found a student - in his T-shirt and shorts - sitting there.

CB commented, after we pushed through the fire-door and went to the clinical side of the building, "Is he also coming for distinction viva ? He looks just different !"

I knew what he meant, but was speechless for a moment - too amazed with the effect of psychology.

In fact, I recognize the student by face.

"He comes for counseling." I said at last.

PS. I was twice as much amazed half an hour later, when I found another student who needed couseling sitting outside the office of our man from Pluto - you could really tell by the code of dressing.

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