Saturday, May 2, 2009


You may say, "But the Blitzkrieg tactic won't work now ! We see several examiners (six to ten, depending on which examination you talk about), and each of them gives us a blinded score with an equal-weight."

True, but there are other ways.

You know what, the major component of our current marking scheme - be it final MB or MRCP - is a list of 4-point scores (which add up to give an overall score): It is 0 to 3 in final MB, and 1 to 4 in MRCP; in the latter, 2 being borderline fail and 3 borderline pass. If you get that component right, you score 3 or 4; if wrong, 1 or 2.

That's the point ! No trick or teaching could move a candidate from 2 to 3 (i.e. fail to pass) if they make a mess, but one can always do something to move from 1 to 2, or from 3 to 4. If you fail, do something so that the examiner think you are wrong at a certain point but not completely hopeless; if you pass, show that you are thinking or doing one step further.

And it is the one extra point here and another there that gives you a higher score overall, which not uncommonly changes fail to pass.

You think it just the truth from a Sunday school (老生常談) ?

(資治通鑑, 第75卷; 亦見 三國演義, 第106回)

PS. On the last bit, please refer to the modern translation by Bo Yang (柏楊); most of the others you find from the Internet probably mistake the original meaning of our great fortune teller.

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