Thursday, October 7, 2010


My birthday present from Vivian was Gordon Ramsay's Fast Food.

I don't think I need to explain why my wife give me this. Frequent visitors of this blog would know that I often perform private cookery experiments. When my wife asked me a few weeks ago what birthday present did I want, I showed her the title. She bought the book from Amazon. It was sold on discount and turned out to be cheaper than any local bookstore - mail expense included.

When I eagerly unwrapped my gift, my wife asked in a slightly incredulous manner, "This was published a few years. Why don't you go for more recent ones ?"

Vivian certainly did her search. Ramsay had five books published under his name after the Fast Food, including one in 2010, Ramsay's Best Menus.

"You know, as far as books are concerned, I never risk to read new ones," I explained to my wife, "I need something that has stood the test of time. Not only because I could see the comments of previous readers. But, more simply, since there are so many books appearing each year, if one could remain around a few years later, it is in itself a sign of excellence."

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