Saturday, October 16, 2010


When I mention my idea to my friend L and asked if he remembered which story in Zhuangzi (莊子) I was referring to, he gave me a curious smile.

"You like watching football, don't you?" he asked.

I knew he was referring to soccer, and I returned a nod.

"And do you know FIFA is giving out a Fair Play Award regularly?" my friend went on. (FIFA stands for Fédération Internationale de Football Association.)

"Yes ...?" I was at a lost.

"Don't you see the point? On the face of it, the award is given to a team or a player that achieves an exceptional standard of sportsmanship," L was slightly excited, "In reality, the award - and therefore FIFA themselves - is reminding the team or player that they are not achieving anything material, and they should try harder - probably by less fair a means."

"So, you mean, it's ironic that the Award - and therefore FIFA - is not promoting a fair play, but something else rather ?" I could not believe my own conclusion.

"That may not be what they intended to do, but that's what they are doing..." My friend looked hopefully into my eyes.

"And, same for some other international prize!?" I finished with the words that he put into my mouth.

L smiled. As Humphrey Appleby, he finally knew I knew what he knew.

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