Saturday, October 30, 2010


On the next day after my mother's birthday gathering, I attended the annual meeting of the society of my specialty.

Met TW there. It has been quite some time since I last saw her, and we decided to excuse ourselves for a while in the middle of the meeting and lunch together.


We settled ourselves comfortably in a café nearby, and chatted on almost everything. Contrary to her usual never-care-less attitude, my friend was rather hot when she talked about R, a surgeon and (from what I gather) a distant acquaintance of her.

"I can't really understand why he doesn't buy a shop for his own office, or his own apartment to live." My friend sighed.

"Eh ...?"

"You know, R is paying some $30,000 each month to rent his office," TW continued, "and another $30,000 for his house - and he has been doing it for 5 or 6 years. That's quite enough to buy one!"

"Quite right." I agreed.

"And, one needs to retire sooner or later. When you have no income, how could you afford the rent? In fact, life could be very simple and you don't need a lot of money for the retired days - as long as you have a place to live."

I nodded; could not agree more.

PS. Frequent visitors of this site may recognize TW is one of the few who often gives comment to my blog. (And I love her blog very much, particularly her recent story on stress. See

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