Friday, September 14, 2012


(The discussion on our way to the airport continued.)

I explained my plan, "As the CE, I would have that private meeting and told these party leaders to go out of my office an hour later, call a press conference, and tell the media that they have expressed their concern on National Education as a specific subject for our school children and put pressure on me - so that I, or the government, am going to withdraw the plan of this very subject."

"What!?" Vivian found it difficult to believe her ears.

"Yes, and I shall call the media shortly afterwards and confirm that I am receptive and do listen to opinion; the government will throw this subject to the trash with immediate effect." I smiled, "You see - and everyone could see, this arrangement would give a huge bonus to the establishmentarians who are running for the Legislative Council election this Sunday. And it actually improves their image in the long run. In exchange, I ask for a gentleman's agreement with them: They should cooperate with me in the Council when they win the election."

My wife took a deep breath, and then she smiled, "That may be a good plan, but there may be pressure from  your grandfather and you may not be able to withdraw the subject as you like."

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