Wednesday, September 19, 2012


(July 2016, 9 a.m., general medical ward of a teaching hospital.)

“Excuse me, sister, who was the on-call house officer last night?” The medical officer – a well-tempered lady – asked after starting her morning round for 5 minutes and was still seeing her first patient.

“What’s wrong, Dr. W?” The nursing officer asked back – slightly alarmed as she noted that the medical officer sounded serious.

“Em… You’d better called him to come here now…” The doctor said calmly.

The senior nurse duly followed.

Ten minutes later, a young man in dingy clothes presented himself in front of Dr. W. He had a baby face. The medical officer actually fancied some lanugo hair on the lips of this sordid-looking boy.

“Come here, young man,” she began, “You saw this patient last night. Look at his left foot. What do you call this?” She was pointing at a grossly swollen big toe of an old man lying in bed.

The intern shook his head. His eyes appeared hollow – maybe his brain as well.

(To be continued.)

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