Saturday, September 15, 2012


I became slightly more serious, "My dear, I believe Mr. Hu and Mr. Xi have so many problems occupying their minds that they are not concerned at all."

"That may be true," Vivian nodded, "The unfortunate truth is, we have more than one grandfather in a sense, and some officials from Sai Wan may take the matter seriously."

"You have a point there," I was forced to agree, "Nonetheless, that problem is easily solved. In fact, all I am going to promise is the withdrawal of the National Education as a separate subject - I'm not withdrawing the material."

"What do you mean?" My wife was alarmed.

"My dear, devils are always in the detail," I explained, "I mean I shall keep all the brainwashing materials and infuse them here and there into the existing curriculum. That's actually why I hesitate to support withdrawal of the subject. When there is a well-defined one, people can scrutinize the content easily. But, when all the toxic materials are gradually provided from every angle, it is more difficult to notice and get rid of."

"Em... yes. I suppose brainwashing should be done quietly. It would be an idiot's idea to put up a subject and tell everyone that you are going to be brainwashed."

"Very true," I said, almost laughing, "For example, did the Americans ever tell their Japanese friends that McDonalds in Tokyo is a revenge for Pearl Harbor?"

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