Monday, September 17, 2012


I stayed in Kuala Lumpur for four days.

There’s very little for me to say with the conference. Much of my time was spent on attending symposium and other business meetings, and, as many of you expect, I am not particularly fond of traveling around or sightseeing. As an old bookworm, the only kind of place that I always try to identify and explore is – bookstore.

Fortunate for me, the convention center this time was close to a large shopping mall, and, in there I found a gigantic and comforting one.

It was Books Kinokuniya (紀伊國屋書店).

You may recall I visited Eslite not too long ago. Nonetheless, I was a humble servant of my elder daughter in Taipei and did not really have a chance to enjoy strolling through the jungle of books. I did not miss the rare opportunity this time, and took an afternoon break from the conference – dedicated for a visit this Japanese symbol of culture.

No, I didn’t read any book in detail there. But, rather, I spent two hours exactly to visit all bookshelves, scan through most of the titles, and decide what books to buy.

That, in itself, is joyful.

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