Friday, September 28, 2012


The two-hour Q&A session passed quickly. In fact, the audience seemed to have so many questions that the coordinator - a chubby gastroenterologist - had to put a stop for two or three times before no more hands were raised.

Then, the coordinator went up to the stage and thanked us. LS and I thought it's all over. And, then, our host took out from nowhere a dingy sheet of paper, cleared his throat, and said aloud:

"Dear students, I realize there are two students who did not ask any question in the past three sessions. They are XY Zi and ZY Xu. I think you should really be more active next time. Now, the followings did not ask any question this time ... (I omit a list of four or five names) ... I hope this is a transient problem and you would find the topics next Saturday more relevant to your field of study..."

LS and I were dumbfounded to witness an education system with Chinese characteristics.

1 comment:

JW said...

Isn't it an effective remedy to detoxify the over-bottle-fed syndrome from pre-nursery to secondary school?
I think we should further upgrade this....... by incorporating into the examination scores!