Thursday, October 4, 2012


Yes, I mean what I say: Having many brilliant ideas does not coexist with carrying out a lot of work.

Important. I'm not saying having brilliant ideas does not always result in a lot of work. If I could play Aristotle for a moment, the two phrases are not subject (主詞) and predicate (謂詞), and the relation not a proposition (命題) (specifically, A or I type). What I mean is: The two conditions are mutually exclusive and could not happen together.

Why? It is because time is the limiting factor. For every good idea, you need fresh and blood to make it materialize. If one spend most of their time generating ideas, it is actually unlikely that he could have the time to work them out.

PS. When LS and I were giving a talk to the research students in Shanghai, we were asked how often do we generate useful research idea from reading journals. My reply was I would feel fortunate if I could have one good idea each year - after scanning through some 3000 research papers.

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