Monday, February 11, 2013


A piece of Chinese literature that keeps coming up to my mind recently is the Chu Shi Biao《出師表》of Zhugu Liang (諸葛亮).


This little phrase is not easy to be translated. Nonetheless, the idea is simple: It is a taboo to say a leader is shit if the previous one was a giant – because it implies that the great person who used to hold this post did not quite find the right successor.

On the other hand, if that great person is still around, he will never agree his successor is horrible - for the blame and responsibility would always go back to the one who chose such a bad leader.

嗚呼, 教主文成武德,仁義英明,澤被蒼生,算無遺策,千秋萬世,一統江湖!

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