Thursday, February 28, 2013


(Somewhere on the Earth. Not too long ago.)

One day, a farmer was summoned to the house of his landlord.

"What's the matter, Sir?"

"Look, there's a situation here," the rich man said with an emotionless face, "There are more and more people living in the city, and, since I have monopolized the field, they all need my wheat for bread. Go and grow more wheat for me. I shall pay for it."

The farmer wished to say he is merely a subcontractor and all money went to the officials hidden in the castle. But he swallowed these words back to his throat - his limited common sense told him that the corpulent figure in front of him would not be able to understand. After all, that's not the critical problem. He decided to say something else.

"Sir, each and every inch of the field has wheat growing already - and we are using the best of all available technology."

"Yes, I know, but, instead of growing the wheat once each year, why don't you do it twice and double the yield?"

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