Tuesday, February 26, 2013


"The eternal problem of democracy: When a policy - or a person - badly jeopardizes the benefit of a small group but benefit slightly the majority, the policy would pass - and the person wins the election." the man from Massachusetts sighed, "The bitter truth that I find unpalatable is, this system provides an excellent opportunity for a tyrant to whip off his adversaries one after another!"

"You don't have to dwell too much on theoretical sociology," C put up a tone of matter-of-the-fact, "Barack may not be a good person, but the gang from Houston who kicked him out of the City Hall are no harmless ordinary citizens either. To say the least, their anger blinds their eyes, so that they made accusation personal. Any onlooker would think the blame is on both sides."

"Very true," the man from Florida nodded, "In fact I'd almost come to the conclusion that Barack is the victim of a political struggle - if Arnold is not one of the men going against our President."

(Arnold - a highly respected man with an unassailable record - is the governor of Texas.)

"And, now, the Texas people are nowhere." C went on, "From the country point of view, there are good reasons to keep the President for at least one more term. To put it simply, it doesn't look good if the United States has to change its President that quickly."

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