Sunday, February 24, 2013


(Dinner after a meeting of the United States Congress, 2113.)

"Barack is hopeless," F, Senate of Florida, a slim man with skinhead, sighed. Unfortunately, this Barack refers to the President.

"Very true. Not a good man." C nodded. He, a corpulent man with much grey hair, is a Senate of California.

"Alas! Just see how he treats his people in Texas - the very State that he comes from. He grabs all the money, fires the two House representatives for personal reasons, and do whatever he likes in Houston. He should really be called the King of the Harris County!" The man from Florida went on.

"But, what could the Texas people do?" W asked from the other side of the dinner table. She is a seductive woman below 50 - a Senate of Wisconsin.

"All they did was charging him for smoking in the City Hall and kicking him out from there. He remains the President." M, a white-face man with a hook-like nose sitting next to her, interrupted. He is a Senate of Massachusetts.

"And a very resilient one too," F put up a bitter smile, "I must say most of us would resign if we find so many people are against us - but this man is different. He just sticks to his chair and smile to his adversaries."

"But it's coming to the end of his term. Would he lose the next election?" W asked.

To her surprise, the other three men all shook their heads.

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