Believe it or not, Euterpe, 7 year-old by now, was the first one being attracted by the advertisement in the underground and suggested that we (I mean Vivian, Euterpe, Adler, and myself) should watch it together.
However, like all young girls, by the time Vivian felt sufficiently interested and decided to go ahead, Euterpe hesitated. She was worried about all the monsters and scary witches that she might see.
And she was right. During the show, her eyes were hidden behind Vivian’s back much of the time. In contrast, Adler just sat there and laughed and cheered and yelled. Except for the first 10 minutes, she didn’t even need to hold my arms.
“What a good show!” My younger princess said when we left the cinema.
Alas, there is a whole lot of difference between brave and fearless.
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