Thursday, July 17, 2014


I finished reading The Magic Mountain on my way to TST.

To be specific, I saw the death of Hans Castorp at Tai Wai while waiting for the connection train.

Believe it or not, I managed to read two small books during the rest of my journey. They are:

  1. Zhuangzi in Comics (漫畫莊子) by Tsai Chih Chung (蔡志忠); and
  2. Wrongdoings of the Pseudo-Democratic (偽民主派賣港實錄) by Wong Yuk-Man (黃毓民)

Don’t ask me why I read such unrelated books. They were just there in my Nexus. Handy and ready. After all, it is always relaxing to read a book that you enjoyed very much twenty years ago. On the other hand, you’ve got to go through the argument of the other side.

As the old English sayings: I want to know what I am disagreeing with.

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