Tuesday, July 15, 2014


My recent leisure reading is Thomas Mann’s The Magic Mountain.

I heard of the story when I was a medical student, but my interest was certainly aroused after watching The Wind Rises (風起了) of Miyazaki Hayao (宮崎駿). Who could resist a story of philosophy? As soon as I left the cinema, I decided to play Hans Castorp for once  and meet all the mysterious people in the Davos Sanatorium.

To me, the source of this (electronic) book is also remarkable: This is the first book I bought from Google Play – an experiment that I tried after years of being a loyal customer of Amazon. No, there’s nothing wrong with Jeff Bezos. The book is available from both stores. The Kindle version is more expensive, but it has a very much better interface for zooming, bookmarking, and electronic dictionary. All I want to do this time is to try out the Google system of electronic reader, and the overall experience is not bad.

PS. A major edge of the Google bookstore is there is a huge collection of classical Chinese books. As a lover of Chinese astrology, I could even find Mathematics for Dummies (蠢仔數纏度) of Shao Yong (邵雍)!

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