Wednesday, October 29, 2014


The very question that I was asked by everyone I met in Vietnam was How is Hong Kong?

One notable example is the young man who drove me from the hotel to the airport. Despite his limited English capability – and, for that reason, he talked very little on any other topic throughout the journey – he tried with his utmost effort to learn from me what’s going on in my city, as well as to explain his own view.

But, the most insightful comment came from SB, a doctor from Thailand, “Szeto, you shouldn’t worry that much. Just look at we Thai people. Last year, we saw no end to the conflict between red and yellow. Now? The conflict is still there, but every aspect of our daily life is quite back to normal.”

I sighed, “My friend, that’s different. Your country has an edge – you have a king, and he is a highly respectable one I must say, to look up to. Who do we Hong Kong people have?”

NB. I was tempted to say I am on the green side – I share some of the views of the yellow umbrella as well as some of the blue ribbon.

But, when viewed from another angle, it could easily be concluded that I don’t agree with either.

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