Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Went to Vietnam for a local conference recently.

This is the first time I ever visit this legendary place, which is just one-and-a-half hours of flight from Hong Kong. To me, all the memory related to this country comes either from the Vietnam boat people (which was a serious problem of our city between late 1970s and early 1990s) or the war between Hanoi and Saigon. In fact, the first topic that I made an effort to do some private study (when I was in the primary school) was the US bombers used in the Vietnam War.

Unfortunately, I was so green in those days that I focused on the performance and armaments of the aircrafts (F105, F111, and B52). If I were going to make such a study again, I shall read more about the people of the drama – from Ho Chi Minh to Le Duan, and from Ngo Dinh Diem to Nguyen Van Thieu.

PS. I had the opportunity to take care of many pregnant Vietnam boat people when I was a house officer in the obstetric ward. I could speak two – and only two – sentences of Vietnamese: bac si kiem tra (doctor is here to do the examination) and nam xuong ngoai quan (lie down and take off your pants)!

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