Saturday, October 4, 2014


I went on to explain, "I see marriage - in the legal sense, with all the right specified by the law - is a small token that a society gives to a man and a woman settling together. It is not a right, but some kind of welfare. The society would like to encourage such a behaviour because marriage usually means having children, which is, in the long run, desirable for the society. Two men could get together. It is their own choice and I don't think the law should prohibit that. But, the point is, these two men should not enjoy the benefit of a traditional couple."

"You know, while listening to your mini-lecture on a man falling in love with another, I suddenly come to realize the most discriminating label to this group of people comes from the health care profession."

"Really? What's that?"

"MSM, men who have sex with men," L said with a weird smile.

"You are right. It gives the impression that all these people are after is lust and pleasure of their bodies. No, I believe many of them do have true love."

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