Friday, October 31, 2014


While talking about the analogy of an inconsiderate driver and an abusing police officer, a similar, and more eye-catching, argument is this: Between a high, solid wall and an egg that breaks against it, I will always stand on the side of the egg.

But, hold on. There's a critical flaw in the logic - what if the egg is thrown against the wall that protects Themis? We should support the side that is right and just, no matter it is the egg or the wall.

No, I'm not saying the blue ribbons is righteous. (It is likely to be quite the opposite.) All I say is we should not stand on the yellow side because it is the egg.

PS. The analogy of an egg and the wall comes from Haruki Murakami when he received the Jerusalem Prize. He was talking about personal philosophy by this analogy - nothing to do with public uprising.

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